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National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

Project Description

This proposal addresses the needs of fisheries and resource managers in response to severe weather. Our goal is to evaluate how severe weather (e.g. hurricanes, floods, droughts, and freezes) affects the ecosystem at multiple levels from water quality, nutrients, and zooplankton, to fish in the Mission-Aransas Estuary and Galveston Bay, Texas. The western Gulf of Mexico coasts have been particularly affected by increasing frequency of severe weather. Although fishery managers have responded to the acute impacts of severe weather, there is a need to understand the long-term dynamics of these events on the populations across the entire ecosystem. We have obtained an extensive collection of long-term data spanning the entirety of the ecosystem in both estuaries, which include hydrology, water quality and chemistry, primary production, zooplankton, benthic fauna, and nekton. Utilizing a working group approach will leverage these time series data, while ensuring the conclusions of the analysis are transferred to the resource managers. We will use different statistical methods from box-models to multivariate time-series and empirical dynamic modeling. All data products and model results will be posted to the Mission Aransas NERR website, and shared with partner agencies and NGOs through reports, peer-reviewed publications, workshops, and conferences.

A group of people stand in the entryway to NCEAS.

Principal Investigator(s)

Christopher Biggs, Zhanfei Liu

Project Dates

Start: August 1, 2023

End: July 31, 2025



Jagger Alexander
University of Texas
Christopher Biggs
University of Texas at Austin
Hannah Brown
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Edward Buskey
University of Texas at Austin
Seungwon Chung
University of Texas
Raymond Czaja
University of California, Santa Barbara
Jiabi Du
Texas A and M University at Galveston
Mark Fisher
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Masami Fujiwara
Texas A and M University
Mai Fung
University of California, Santa Barbara
Joan Garland
University of Texas at Austin
Adrien Hilmy
Coastal Bend and Bays Estuary Program
Xinping Hu
Texas A and M University Corpus Christi
Christine Jensen
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Hui Liu
Texas A and M University
Zhanfei Liu
University of Texas at Austin
Katherine Loesser
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Paul Montagna
Harte Research Institute
Zach Olsen
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Jennifer Pollack
Texas A and M University Corpus Christi
Antonietta Quigg
Texas A and M University at Galveston
Samantha Schiereck
Texas A and M University
Shayna Sura
University of California, Santa Barbara
Zong-Liang Yang
University of Texas at Austin