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National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

Project Description

Recent synthesis has shown both similarities and differences in how pelagic marine ecosystems have been influenced by cyclic and long‐term changes in the marine environment. We propose to dive deeper into such comparisons, by using comparative data to test a series of conceptual models describing how communities respond to stochastic and long‐term change along the latitudinal gradient represented by the four participating LTER sites. We propose a multipronged team approach along two major lines of inquiry: 1) examining whether patterns & processes discovered in the California Current Ecosystem (CCE) apply to other pelagic sites, and 2) exploring whether recently proposed global pelagic community responses apply to the LTER sites, including how such responses are modulated by season and how they may have changed over decadal time‐frames.

Group photo of LTER Hopcroft Pelagic Community Structure group, Nov 2023

Principal Investigator(s)

Russell Hopcroft, Mark D. Ohman, Oscar Schofield , Heidi M. Sosik

Project Dates

Start: February 1, 2023

End: January 31, 2025



Alexandra Cabanelas
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Angel Chen
University of California, Santa Barbara
John Conroy
University of California, Santa Cruz
Daniel Cushing
University of Alaska
Moira Décima
University of California, San Diego
Beatriz dos Santos Dias
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Shailja Gangrade
University of California, San Diego
Gwenn Hennon
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Russell Hopcroft
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Lin Hou
University of California, San Diego
Thomas B Kelly
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Mark D. Ohman
University of California, San Diego
Oscar Schofield
State University of New Jersey, Rutgers
Heidi M. Sosik
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Deborah K. Steinberg
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Mike R. Stukel
Florida State University

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